Solar Cells for Sale


Solar Cells are solid state devices that convert the energy in light into electrical energy due to the photovoltaic effect. When light strikes the silicon crystals in the cell it excites the electrons causing a potential difference. Now these electrons are released from their bonds in the silicon and become free and flow down the conductor strips as an electric direct current. This can then be used to power small devices, used to measure the brightness of incident light or charge low voltage batteries.

Marlec has Stock of Low Power Solar Cells for Sale

Solar Cells for Sale CA-10/82 Solar Cells for Sale CA-10/81

These solar cells are ideal for school experiments and can be used to show:

  • The distance and angle between the light source and the solar cell affecting voltage.
  • The distance and angle between the light source and the solar cell affecting current.
  • This light intensity effecting the voltage and current of the solar cell.
  • The effect of different wavelengths from different coloured lights on the voltage and current of the solar cell.

The cells are also useful for classroom practicals and can be set up direct driving small low power devices or low voltage battery charging. For more educational renewable energy equipment please see The Green Power Ed.

Solarex Solar Cells for Sale